Human-induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology has revolutionized the field of drug discovery and toxicity testing. iPSCs are generated from adult somatic cells, such as skin or blood cells, by reprogramming them to a pluripotent state similar to that of embryonic stem cells. These iPSCs can then be differentiated into various cell types, including cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and neurons, among others, providing an excellent model system for studying human biology and disease.
The use of iPSC-derived cells in drug discovery and toxicity testing is particularly useful because it allows for the development of more physiologically relevant models that can better mimic human physiology and disease states. Therefore, results from experiments with iPSC-derived cells are one of the best ways to complement data obtained from animal models or experiments conducted with immortalized cell lines to better assess drug safety and efficacy.
By using iPSC-derived cells, researchers can test drugs on human cells that more closely resemble the target tissue or organ, which can improve the accuracy of drug efficacy and toxicity predictions. For example, cardiotoxicity, which is a major cause of drug attrition during clinical development, can be more accurately predicted using iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes than using animal models or immortalized cell lines.
Despite the potential of iPSC technology, the adoption of this technology has been slow in India due to a lack of access to high-quality iPSC cell lines. GVRP’s partnership with Nexel is a game-changer for India’s biomedical community, paving the way for revolutionary advancements in iPSC technology. With our vision to bring cutting-edge technologies to India, this collaboration is set to overcome the longstanding limitation of limited access to high-quality iPSC cell lines. By providing a range of iPSC-derived cells manufactured by Nexel, including cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and neurocytes, for various applications, this partnership is poised to make a significant impact in disease modeling, drug discovery, toxicity testing, and regenerative medicine.
The use of iPSC-derived cells has the potential to accelerate drug discovery and reduce the risk of drug failures during clinical development, ultimately benefiting patients and society. GVRP being an R&D enabler for life sciences industry and with our mission to accelerate innovation in Indian biopharma sector, we aim to accelerate the adoption of this technology in India and help advance the field.
To learn more about these cell lines: